Friends and Family
I love the holidays.
Although the holidays we celebrate are specific in their own right and culturally relative, no matter which holiday it is, I love that these days and weeks are a time to remember that which we are thankful for; that which we live for.
First, I am thankful for my family.
I am thankful that my mother brought me into this world and continually buys me chocolate even though I am trying not to eat it.
I am thankful for my father and stepmother Cheril. They know, fundamentally, who I am and never waiver in supporting my decisions and dreams no matter what they may be.
I am thankful for my brother and Aubrey being real with me, but I miss Timmy farting bare-butted in my face.
I am thankful for my sister. Melissa makes me laugh almost everyday, she also knows what I feel and feels it too.
I am thankful for Grandpa Leon being his amazing, athletic, and old (he'll be 98 in March!), wise self.
I am thankful for my friends.
I am thankful for Julie being me friend since I was a kid and, even though she has known my crazy ass for over 20 years, she is still my friend!
I am thankful for Cara. She is my heart turned inside out.
I am thankful for Rob. I have become a better and more responsible person since I have known him. I look up to him and hope that someday I am as wise as he is.
I am thankful for Traver, Eric, and River. Without them, I wouldn't understand that the zombie apocalypse is something I must prepare for, and that watching football on Sundays is integral in relaxation.
I am thankful for Aron explaining the difference between Chicago and the Beegees although I still can't see it.
I am thankful for the Crossfit Ventura community. You ALL have brought me back to life; each day I am inspired and in awe at what you all accomplish.
I am thankful for Nick and Melanie for supporting me and being my surrogate family when I have been misplaced. I am also thankful that Melanie and I are the same size, have the same daily uniform (jeans, tank top and zip-up sweatshirts) and can freely exchange clothes. I am also thankful for what Nick said earlier today:
"When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead."
Without my family and friends I would not be who I am. Without you, life wouldn't be so sweet.
Thank you for being in my life and happy holidays!
What are you thankful for?
O Gosh...thanks Jaala. You have inspired me to write... stay tuned..
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